Abbai Athili-1 Proximity 8 10 3
Abbai Athili-2 Proximity 13 18 4
Abbai Baica-1 Captor 16 4 +3 15 6
Abbai Baica-2 Captor 22 7 +3 15 6
Abbai Eliria-1 DEW 24 4 +5 4(2) 0 5 Fires a twin array.
Abbai Eliria-2 DEW 50 12 +6 8(6) 0 8 Fires a comm disruptor and includes the Command Controller enhancement. These expensive mines were used a cheap replacements for jammer ships.
Brakiri Rehsa-P Proximity 10 16 3
Brakiri Rehsa-C Captor 18 4 +6 16 3
Brakiri Rehsa-G DEW 24 6 +7 4(2) 2 4 Fires a graviton bolt doing one volley of 10 points. It cannot be enhanced to score extra damage.
Centauri Raji-16 Proximity 8 16 1
Centauri Raji-17 Proximity 8,5 17 1
Centauri Raji-18 Proximity 9 18 1
Centauri Raji-19 Proximity 9,5 19 1
Centauri Raji-20 Proximity 10 20 1
Centauri Raji-21 Proximity 10,5 21 1
Centauri Raji-22 Proximity 11 22 1
Centauri Raji-23 Proximity 11,5 23 1
Centauri Raji-24 Proximity 12 24 1
Centauri Raji-25 Proximity 12,5 25 1
Centauri Raji-26 Proximity 13 26 1
Centauri Raji-27 Proximity 13,5 27 1
Centauri Raji-28 Proximity 14 28 1
Centauri Raji-29 Proximity 14,5 29 1
Centauri Raji-30 Proximity 15 30 1
Centauri Corant-A Captor 10 3 +5 12 3
Centauri Corant-B Captor 16 5 +6 16 4
Centauri Corant-C Captor 24 6 +6 20 4
Centauri Corant-D Captor 38 6 +7 24 6
Centauri Ekos-A DEW 24 5 +6 3(0) 1 4 Fires a twin array, This is chiefly used as an anti-fighter mine.
Centauri Ekos-B DEW 45 8 +6 2(0) 2 9 Fires two twin arrays. This mine was used for a variety of missions and often had the Multiple Target enhancement.
Centauri Ocara-A DEW 40 6 +6 3(1) 2 6 Fires a matter cannon.
Centauri Ocara-B DEW 60 12 +4 2(0) 2 10 Fires a battle laser. This is an excellent anti-ship mine.
Centauri Ocara-C DEW 60 8 +6 4(2) 2 12 This has a twin array and a matter cannon.
Centauri Ocara-D DEW 70 6 +6 3(1) 2 8 Has a pair of matter cannons.
Centauri Ocara-E DEW 110 15 varies 1(-2) 2 15 Has a battle laser (accuracy +4) and two twin arrays (accuracy +6). Includes the Multiple Target enhancement. The twin arrays can be set to fire in defensive mode if desired (or one could be defensive, the other offensive). If the mine takes its tenth structure ht, the battle laser is disabled. This is generally considered to be the ultimate DEW mine, and is larger than many fighters.
Civilian Defender Proximity 10 8 2
Civilian Paladin Captor 12 4 +3 10 2
Dilgar Intavi-A Proximity 12 16 3
Dilgar Intavi-B Proximity 20 24 5
Dilgar Silklat-A Captor 16 6 +3 14 5
Dilgar Silklat-B Captor 24 5 +4 24 3
Dilgar Lvast-A DEW 16 6 +6 4(2) 0 8 Fires a light laser cannon. The original defensive mine, used primarily during the Raider Wars.
Dilgar Lvast-B DEW 20 6 +6 4(2) 1 8 Fires a light bolter. A standard defensive mine.
Dilgar Lvast-C DEW 24 6 +6 4(2) 2 8 Fires a scatter-pulsar. The most advances of the defensive mine types, seen surrounding Dilgar bases later in the war.
Dilgar Travik-A DEW 40 10 +5 4(2) 1 10 Fires a medium laser. The earliest of the heavy mines.
Dilgar Travik-B DEW 42 10 +6 4(2) 1 12 Fires a medium bolter. This type was preferred over the A-model due to its higher rate of fire.
Dilgar Travik-C DEW 56 12 +7 4(2) 2 14 Fires a quad pulsar. This was the last of the mine types developed by the Dilgar, and one of the most feared.
Drazi Type-DR Proximity 9 15 1
Drazi Type-DB Proximity 14 20 4
Drazi Type-DX Proximity 25 35 3
Drazi Type-BT DEW 26 4 +8 2(1) 1 5 Fires a twin array.
Drazi Type-BP DEW 22 6 +12 3(2) 1 10 Fires a standard particle beam.
Drazi Type-BR DEW 25 5 +9 4(3) 1 9 Fires a particle repeater (capable of two shots per turn).
Earth Alliance Class-P1 Proximity 10 20 2
Earth Alliance Class-P2 Proximity 15 15 5
Earth Alliance Class-P3 Proximity 20 25 4
Earth Alliance Class-C1 Captor 15 5 +4 15 4
Earth Alliance Class-C2 Captor 19 3 +8 15 3
Earth Alliance Class-C3 Captor 22 4 +6 20 2
Earth Alliance Class-D1 DEW 15 6 +8 4(1) 2 5 Fires an interceptor mark-I. It can only be set to target fighters or shuttles, not any other kind of unit. Mines of this type are used to defend outposts against Raider fighters that attack without the support of a carrier.
Earth Alliance Class-D2 DEW 20 6 +8 3(1) 1 9 Fires a standard particle beam. A common mine used to defend just about any base or planet.
Earth Alliance Class-D3 DEW 25 8 +5 2(0) 2 7 Fires a medium plasma cannon. Rarely seen, it usually sits on th interior of dense fields which defend only the most valuable strategic targets.
Minbari Sivhal Proximity 9 12 5
Minbari Lastahan Captor 20 6 +6 14 4
Minbari Evial DEW 32 8 +9 5(3) 3 10 Fires a fusion cannon. This mine has a built-in jammer and an IFF enhancement as standard equipment.
Narn D'Par Proximity 10 16 4
Narn D'Goth Captor 14 6 +4 16 4
Narn D'Mal DEW 25 6 +5 3(1) 2 4 Fires a twin array, This is the Narn equivalent of the Centauri Ekos-A and is based on that mine frame, which the Narns captured and duplicated. The mine was later used as the basis for all other DEW mines operated by the Regime.
Narn D'Tath DEW 24 6 +5 3(1) 2 5 Fires a light pulse cannon.
Narn D'Kak DEW 40 25 N/A 0 2 6 Fires an energy mine. This mine includes the Command Control enhancement and can only be operated in command control mode (it cannot be set for automatic targeting). It can fire the energy mine only once every 6 turns.
Narn D'Shal DEW 60 12 +5 0(-3) 4 20 Fires a heavy laser cannon. The Narns used these expensive mines only to guard their most important installations.
Pak'ma'ra Pal'fa Proximity 12 15 4
Pak'ma'ra Ti'lor Captor 18 5 +4 15 4
Pak'ma'ra Colt'u DEW 24 1 7(5) 2 8 Has two plasma webs (antifighter mode only). The specific hexes into which they will fire nust be specified in advamce (unless the Command Controller enhancement is purchased). The Pak'ma'ra used rows of these mines (sometimes three or more players deep) to create "walls" of plasma that blocked the passage of fighters through an area.
Pak'ma'ra Cort'i DEW 32 8 +5 4(1) 1 7 Fires a medium plasma cannon. Mines of this sort were placed behind Colt'u rows which made a fighter assault on Pak'ma'ra minefield a rather difficult operation.
Usuuth Sootha Proximity 8 14 2
Usuuth Orthine Proximity 6 12 3
Usuuth Ruga Captor 18 4 +4 ? 2
Vree Class-V Proximity 12 20 3
Vree Class-Z Captor 23 4 +8 20 3
Vree Class-X DEW 26 6 +8 3(2) 2 10 Fires an antiproton defender.