Play-by-e-mail game

2,000 pts, no more than 3 of a hull, at least half full fighter bays, maximum starting speed of 10.

Setup, Turn 1, Turn 2, Turn 3, Turn 4, Turn 5, Turn 6, Turn 7

Markab: Matti Mäkäräinen
Centauri: Aaron Hartwell


Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 0115 2 8
Shafab 0117 2 8
Centurion 4219 6 5
Altarian 1 4215 5 5
Altarian 2 4215 5 5
Sentri (6) 4217 5 5

Turn 1:

Power Allocation:

Talafat depowers scatterguns 4, 6, 8 and 9 (12 power) -> EW:12
Shafab depowers stun beams 6 and 7 (10); scatterguns 8, 9, and 10 (9) -> EW: 10
Centurion depowers Matter Cannons 4 and 5 (8); Twin Arrays 6 and 9 (4) -> EW: 11
Altarians depower Twin Arrays 5-8 (8); Matter Cannons 1-3 (12) -> EW: 10


Shafab 12
Centurion 12
Altarian 1 13
Talafat 18
Altarian 2 25
Sentri flight 33


TalafatDEW 12

ShafabDEW 10

CenturionShafab 11

Altarian 1DEW 10

Altarian 2DEW 10


Shafab (init: 12)
Start: 0117 moves forward 6 (0714)
turns right (3 rear and 3 left)
moves forward 2 (0915) Turn delay: 4

Centurion, (init: 12)
start 4219-6
turn direction 1, 4 thrust
move 5 hexes
turn direction 6, reduce turn delay by 2, 6 thrust
finish 4214-6, delay of 1

Altarian 1, (init: 13)
start 4215-5
move 5 hexes
turn direction 6, reduce delay by 2, 6 thrust
finish 3718-6, delay of 1

Talafat (init:18)
Start 0117-2
Move forward 6,
turn direction 3 (4+4),
move 2
finish 0913-3 (delay: 6)

Altarian 2, (init: 25)
start 4215-5
move 2 hexes
turn direction 6, 4 thrust
move 3 hexes
finish 3715-6

Sentri 1
start 4217-5
move 5 hexes
turn direction 6, 2 thrust
finish 3720-6

Fire Allocation:

Scatter Gun 5 & 7: defensive fire

1 Battle Laser #2@ Shafab
Base of 15 - 10DEW - 8 range +10 OEW + 4 FC = 11 to-hit

Fire Resolution:

15, miss

Hangar Bay:

Talafat launches Drofta #1 (6) 0913-3 spd: 8
Shafab launches Drofta #2 (6) 0915-3 spd: 8

Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 0913 3 8
Shafab 0915 3 8
Drofta 1 (6) 0913 3 8
Drofta 2 (6) 0915 3 8
Centurion 4214 6 5
Altarian 1 3718 6 5
Altarian 2 3715 6 5
Sentri (6) 3720 6 5

Turn 2:

Power Allocation:

Talafat depowers Stun Beams 1-3 (15 power) -> EW:12
Shafab depowers Stun Beams 6&7 (10 power) -> EW:9


Shafab 0
Talafat 2
Centurion 3
Drofta 2 11
Altarian 1 14
Altarian 2 21
Drofta 1 25
Sentri 36


Talafat: (Offensive ELINT) Shafab: 1
Drofta 1: 1
Drofta 2: 1
Altarian 2: 8
DEW: 1

Shafab: Altarian 2: 2
DEW: 7

Centurion: DEW: 8
Shafab: 2

Altarian 1 DEW: 7

Altarian 2 DEW: 7

Ballistic Weapon Launch:

Shafab launches Plasma Wave at Altarian 2


start 0915-3
moves straight ahead 8.
Finish 1719-3, turn delay: 0

Start 0913-3
Moves straight ahead 8. Turns to heading 2, tight turn (4+5).
Finish 1717-2, turn delay: 7

Start 4214-6
move 5 hexes
turn direction 5, reduce delay by 2, 6 thrust
finish 3712-5, delay of 1

Drofta 2:
Start 0915-3
Accel to 10 (2 thrust)
Move ahead 7, turn to 2 (4 thrust)
Move 3
Finish 1917-2*, (available thrust: 1)
* Plotted wrong in the map, corrected during turn 4

Altarian 1
Start 3718-6
move 1 hex
turn direction 1, 4 thrust
move 4 hexes
turn direction 6, reduce delay by 2, 6 thrust
finish 3613-6, delay of 1

Altarian 2
Start 3715-6
sideslip direction 1, 1 thrust
move 1 hex forward
sideslip direction 1, 1 thrust
move 1 hex forward
sideslip direction 1, 1 thrust
finish 3511-6

Drofta 1:
Start 0913-3
Accel to 13 (5 thrust)
Move ahead 13
Finish 2219-3, (available thrust: 2)

Start 3720-6
Accelerate to speed 9 (4 thrust)
Move forward 8 hexes
turn direction 5 (3 thrust)
move 1 hex
finish 2816-5

Fire Allocation:

Drofta 1 combat pivots to facing 2 (using remaining 2 thrust)

Particle Cannon 2 & 3: Altarian 2
Base 15, fire control +5, OEW +6, DEW -7, Range -9 = 10 to hit
(TA 7 fires at both shots: 8 to hit)

Drofta 1:
Fire at Sentri: (13 shots (6d3))
Base 7, Offensive bonus +4, Range -12, pivot -1 = -2 to hit.

Firing Battle Laser # 3 @ Shafab
Base of 15 (port) - 6 DEW - 5 range + 4 FC + 2 OEW = 10 to hit

Sentri flight
firing @ Drofta flight #1
Base of 6 (front/aft) - 12 range + 7 OB = 1's

Fire Resolution:

Plasma Wave
Base15 - 7 DEW + 6 OEW + 2FC = 16
Defensive fire, TA #'s 4, 5, 6@ 2 shots each = 6 shots, all at -2 each = -12 (no degredation)
needs 4 to hit = 3 HIT!
damage = 15
18: Structure (4 into armor, 11 through)

Sentri @ Drofta 1
need 1's to hit: 2 (1/3 hit, 2 fighters hit)
6 [1D6+2], 3 through (Fighter #6)
3 [1D6+2], stopped by armor
Second hit:
6 [1D6+2], 3 (Fighter #6)
4 [1D6+2], 1

Drofta @ Sentri
Base of 7 - 12 range + 4 OB - 1 Combat = -2
to hit: 1 (1/6 hit, 2 shots)
8 [2D6], 5 (Sentri #1)
6 [2D6], 3 (Sentri #2)

Drofta #6 of flight #1:
(dropout on a roll of 4+): 1
Sentri #1 (6+)
Sentri #2 (8+) 5

BL3 @ Shafab
Needs 10 to hit: 18, miss

PCannon #2
needing 8 to-hit: 4, HIT! damage = 30
16: Structure, 4 armor, 6 through
3: Retro Thrust, 4 armor, 6 through
3: Retro Thrust, 4 armor, 6 through

PCannon 3
to-hit: 10, missed

Critical hits

Altarian 2, thrusters:
19: Outlet failure
18: Outlet failure

Hangar Bay:

Shafab launches Drofta #3 (3) 1719-3 spd: 8

Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 1717 2 8
Shafab 1719 3 8
Drofta 1 (6) 2219 3(2) 13
Drofta 2 (6) 1917* 2 10
Drofta 3 (3) 1719 3 8
Centurion 3712 5 5
Altarian 1 3613 6 5
Altarian 2 3511 6 5
Sentri (5) 2816 5 9

* Plotted wrong in the map, corrected during turn 4

Turn 3:

Power Allocation:

Talafat depowers Stun Beams 1-3 (15 power) -> EW:12
Shafab depowers Stun Beams 6&7 (10 power) -> EW:9


Shafab -1
Talafat 4
Altarian 2 13
Altarian 1 15
Centurion 17
Drofta 3 19
Drofta 1 27
Sentri 29
Drofta 2 31


Talafat: (Blanket Protection) Altarian 2: 2
Centurion: 2
DEW: 8

Shafab: Altarian 2: 2
Centurion: 2
DEW: 4

Centurion: Shafab: 8
Talafat: 1

Altarian 1 Shafab: 2
Talafat: 2

Altarian 2 Shafab: 2
Talafat: 2


Start 1719-3, speed 8
Turn to 2
Move 8 ahead
Finish: 2515-2, delay: 0

Start 1717-2, speed 8
Move 8 ahead
Finish: 2513-2, delay: 0

Accelerate to speed 6 (3 thrust)
start 3712-5
move 1 hex
turn direction 6 (4 thrust)
move 5 hexes
turn direction 5, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
finish 3110-5, delay of 2

Altarian 1
Accelerate to speed 6 (3 thrust)
start 3613-6
sideslip direction 1 (2 thrust)
move 5 hexes
turn direction 5, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
finish 3110-5, delay of 2

Altarian 2
Start 3511-6
sideslip direction 1 (1 thrust)
move 2 hexes
turn direction 5, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 2 hexes
finish 3110-5

Drofta 3:
1719-3, Speed: 8
Slow down to 5 (3)
Turn to 2 (2)
Move forward 5 (available thrust: 2)
Finish: 2216-2

Drofta 1:
Start 2219-3, speed: 13
Turn to 2 (reset facing) (5)
Pivot to 6 (2, no thrust left)
Finish 3513-2(6)

start 2816-5
move 6 hexes
turn direction 6 (3 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 2 (6 thrust)
finish 1918-2

Drofta 2:
Start 1917-2*
Decel to 6 (4 thrust)
Move ahead 6, pivot 3 steps (to 5), using all thrust.
Finish 2514-2(5)*
* Plotted wrong in the map, corrected during turn 4

Fire Allocation:

Shalaf To Hit
Heavy Plasma Cannon #4 Altarian 2 13
Scattergun #8 (3 shots) 2: Defensive fire
1: Sentri

Scattergun #9 (5 shots) 2: Defensive fire
3: Sentri

Scattergun #10 (4 shots) Sentri 1
Scattergun #11 (3 shots) Sentri 1
Scattergun #4 (6 shots) Centurion 5
Scattergun #5 (5 shots) 2: Defensive fire
3: Altarian 2

Scattergun #6 (5 shots) 2: Defensive fire
3: Altarian 2

Scattergun #7 (5 shots) Centurion 5
Drofta 1 Centurion (port) 11
Drofta 2 Sentri -1
8 Twin Array Shots Shafab 5
Battle Laser Shafab 19
Matter Cannon Shafab 15
Matter Cannon Talafat 14
Altarian 1 (4 CCEW vs Drofta 1)
6 TA shots Drofta 1 6
4 TA shots Talafat 7
2 Matter Cannon shotsTalafat 15
Altarian 2 (4 CCEW vs Drofta 1)
6 TA shots Drofta 1 6
4 TA shots Talafat 7
2 Matter Cannon shotsTalafat 15
SentriDrofta 3 5

Defensive Fire

Intercepting Altarian 1 Matter Cannon shot vs Talafat (-2)
Intercepting both Altarian 2 Matter Cannon shots vs Talafat (-2)
Intercepting Centurion Matter Cannon shot vs Talafat (-2)

Intercepting two Centurion Twin Array shots vs Shafab (-2)
Intercepting Matter Cannon Shot vs Shafab with two Scatterguns (-3)

Fire Resolution

Fire from Ships
Altarian 1
6 TA @ Drofta 1
6 (Hit, 14 damage), 5 (11 damage), 1 (11 damage), 18 (miss), 1 (12), 8 (miss)
4 TA shots @ Talafat
12 (miss), 14 (miss), 2 (9 damage to Fwd Structure), 17 (miss)
2 Matter Cannons @ Talafat
11 (21 damage to Fwd Structure), 16 (miss)

Altarian 2
6 TA @ Drofta 1
16 (miss), 5 (11), 19 (miss), 7 (miss), 10 (miss), 4 (14)
4 TA shots @ Talafat
15 (miss), 18 (miss), 11 (miss), 15 (miss)
2 Matter Cannons @ Talafat
7 (11 to Scattergun #5), 19 (miss)

8 TA @ Shafab
20 (miss), 11 (miss), 13 (miss), 9 (miss), 7 (miss), 3 (6 to Sensor), 20 (miss), 19 (miss)
Battle Laser @ Shafab
11 (43: 10 Engine, 10 Fwd Structure, 10 Fwd Structure, 10 Reactor, 3 Plasma Wave)
Matter Cannon @ Shafab
5 (11 to Fwd Structure)
Matter Cannon @ Talafat
6 (12 to Scatter Gun #4)

Heavy Plasma @ Altarian 2
12 (26 to Matter Cannon #2 and Structure)
11 Scatter Shots @ Sentri
6 (miss), 10 (miss), 2 (miss), 3 (miss), 13 (miss), 4 (miss), 12 (miss), 9 (miss), 11 (miss), 5 (miss), 4 (miss)

11 Scattergun shots @ Centurion
15 (miss), 3 (4 to Fwd Structure), 15 (miss), 19 (miss), 7 (miss), 16 (miss), 9 (miss), 6 (miss), 16 (miss), 1 (7 to Fwd Structure), 9 (miss)
6 Scattergun Shots @ Altarian 2
11(miss), 13 (miss), 16 (miss), 16 (miss), 17 (miss), 6 (miss)

Fighter Vs. Fighter Fire
Sentri @ Drofta 3
15 (miss)

Drofta 2
14 (miss)

Fighter vs. Ship
Drofta 1 @ Centurion
5: Both remaining fighters hit (6 shots total).
4 to Matter Cannon #4, 7 to Port Thruster, 7 to Battle Laser #2, 2 to Port Structure, 6 to Port Thruster, 8 to Matter Cannon #4

Critical hits

Port thruster: 7 (-)
Battle Laser #2: 8 (-)
Matter Cannon #4: 4 (-)

Engine: 8 (-)
Reactor: 10 (-)
Sensor: 22 (Output reduced by 2)

Ship Hex (after floating)hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 2513 (1518) 2 8
Shafab 2515 (1520) 2 8
Drofta 1 (2) 3513 (2518) 2(6) 13
Drofta 2 (6) 2514* (1519)* 2(5) 6
Drofta 3 (3) 2216 (1221) 2 5
Centurion 3110 (2115) 5 6
Altarian 1 3110 (2115) 5 6
Altarian 2 3110 (2115) 5 5
Sentri (5) 1918 (0923) 2 9

* Plotted wrong in the map, corrected during turn 4

Turn 4:

Power Allocation:

Standard power all around.


Shafab 5
Centurion 14
Talafat 16
Altarian 2 20
Drofta 2 20
Altarian 1 26
Sentri 35
Drofta 1 36
Drofta 3 38


Talafat: Altarian 1: 1
Altarian 2: 1
Sentri: 1
DEW: 8

Shafab: DEW: 6

Centurion: Shafab: 6

Altarian 1 CCEW: 4
DEW: 4

Altarian 2 CCEW: 4
DEW: 4


Start 1520-2, speed 8.
Decelerate to 6.
Move straight ahead 6
Finish 2117-2

Start 2115-5, speed 6.
sideslip direction 6 (2 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 4, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 2 hex
turn direction 3, reduce dealy by 1 (5 thrust), overthrust STB thruster by 1 finish 1718-3, delay of 2

Start: 1518-2, speed 8
Decelerate to 6 (6 thrust)
Sideslip to 1618 (2 thust)
Move forward 5.
Finish: 2116-2

Altarian 2:
start 2115-5
move 3 hexes
turn direction 4, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 2 hexes
finish 1818-4

Drofta 2
Start 1519-2(5) speed 6
Decelerates to speed 4 (2 thrust)
Moves 4 forward
Jinks 5 levels (5 thrust)
Finish: 1917-2(5)

Altarian 1
start 2115-5
decel to speed 5 (3 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 4, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 2 hexes
finish 1818-4

sideslip direction 1, 1 thrust
move 8 hexes
finish 1718-2

Drofta 1 (2 fighters left):
Start 2518-2(6), speed 13
Turn to 1 (5), reset facing
Move 12
Sideslip to 6
Finish: 2405-1

Drofta 3 (3 fghtrs)
Start 1221-2, speed 5
Accelerate to 6
Sideslip to 1
Move forward 5
Finish: 1718-2

Fire Allocation:

Altarian #1, 3 CCEW @ Drofta 3, 1 CCEW @ Drofta 2
Altarian #2, 3 CCEW @ Drofta 2, 1 CCEW @ Drofta 3
Centurion, 1 CCEW @ Drofta 3, 3 CCEW @ Drofta 2
Shalaf To Hit
Scattergun #8 (6 shots) Defensive fire
Scattergun #10 (1 shot) Defensive fire
Scattergun #11 (1 shot) Defensive fire
Scattergun #7 (4 shots) Altarian 1 4
Scattergun #8 (2 shots) Altarian 1 4
Scattergun #9 (5 shots) Altarian 1 4
Drofta 2 Centurion 12
Drofta 3 Sentri 11
Battle Laser Shafab 18
4 Twin Array Shots Drofta 3 13
4 Twin Array Shots Drofta 2 6
Altarian 1
Matter Cannon Shafab 8* -> 5 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&10)
8 TA shots Drofta 3 15
2 TA shots Drofta 2 4
Altarian 2
Matter Cannon Shafab 8* -> 5 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&11)
8 TA shots Drofta 2 6
2 TA shots Drofta 3 13
SentriDrofta 2 4

Fire Resolution

Fire from Ships

1 BL@ Shafab
2: (22: 10 to Left Thruster, 10 to Aft Structure, 2 to Scattergun #10)
4 TA shots @ Drofta #2
11 (miss), 9 (miss), 9 (miss), 16 (miss)
4 TA shots @ Drofta #3
7 (8 to Fighter #3), 3 (11 to Fighter #2), 17 (miss), 2 (8 to Fighter #1)

Altarian 1
1 MC @ Shafab
14 (miss)
8 TA @ Drofta #2
4 (6 to fighter #6), 4 (13 to fighter #6), 1 (13 to fighter #5), 2 (8 to fighter #4), 19 (miss), 2 (5 to fighter #4), 12 (miss), 4 (9 to fighter #3)
2 TA @ Drofta #3
17 (miss), 14 (miss)

Altarian 2
1 MC @ Shafab
4 (17 to Scattergun #10)
8 TA @ Drofta #3
17 (miss), 3 (13 to fighter #2), 14 (14 to fighter #3), 3 (9 to fighter #1), 16 (miss), 18 (miss), 17 (miss), 5 (9, out of targets)
2 TA @ Drofta #2
16 (miss), 6 (miss)

11 Scattergun shots @ Altarian 1
11 (miss), 5 (miss), 16 (miss), 6 (miss), 19 (miss), 14 (miss), 11 (miss), 16 (miss), 1 (8 to Aft Structure), 1 (5 to Aft Structure), 4 (4 to Jump Engine)

Fighter to Fighter

@ Drofta 2
5: 2 fighters hit
Damage: 5+5 (Fighter #2) and 7+7 (Fighter #4)


Drofta 2:
Fighter #2 (6 boxes left): 3
Fighter #3 (4 boxes left): 4

Fighters vs. Ships

Drofta 2
8 shots @ Centurion
16: 1 shot hits (10 to Port Thruster)

Critical hits

Port thruster: 11 (-)
Starboard thruster (overthrust): 5 (-)

Thruster: 15 (Outlet failure)

Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 2116 2 6
Shafab 2117 2 6
Drofta 1 (2) 2405 1 13
Drofta 2 (3) 1917 2(5) 4
Centurion 1718 3 6
Altarian 1 1818 4 5
Altarian 2 1818 4 5
Sentri (5) 1718 2 9

Turn 5:

Power Allocation:

Standard power.


Talafat 11
Shafab 17
Centurion 17
Sentri 19
Altarian 1 24
Altarian 2 24
Drofta 2 26
Drofta 1 35


Talafat: DEW: 2
Blanket protection: 4

Shafab: DEW: 5

Centurion: Shafab: 5
DEW: 4

Altarian 1 Shafab: 6

Altarian 2 Shafab: 6


Start 2116-2, speed 6
Decel to 5 (3)
Turn to 1 (5)
Move forward 3
Sideslip to 6
Move forward 1
Finish: 2011-1

Start 2117-2, speed 6
Turn to 1 (4)
Move forward 1
Sideslip to 6 (2)
Move forward 4
Finish: 2011-1

start 1718-3
sideslip direction 2 (2 thrust)
move 2 hexes
turn direction 4 (4 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 5, reduce delay by 2 (6 thrust)
finish 2021-5, delay of 1

start 1718-2
move 4 hexes
turn direction 4 (6 thrust)
move 5 hexes
finishe 2121-4

Altarian 1
start 1818-4
move 2 hexes
turn direction 3 (4 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 2, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 1 hex
finish 2221-2, delay of 1

Altarian 2
start 1818-4
move 2 hexes
turn direction 3 (4 thrust)
move 3 hexes
turn direction 2, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
move 1 hex
finish 2221-2, delay of 1

Drofta 2
Start: 1917-2(5) Speed: 4
Accelerate: 6 (2)
Move 1
Turn to 1 (1) reset facing
Move 5 more
Finish: 2011-1

Drofta 1
Start: 2405-1, speed: 13
Decelarate to 9 (4)
Turn to 6 (3)
Move 9 forward
Finish 1501-6

Fire Allocation:

Shalaf To Hit
Scattergun #8 (4 shots) Defensive fire
Scattergun #10 (1 shot) Defensive fire
Scattergun #11 (5 shots) Defensive fire
Battle Laser Shafab 15
Matter Cannon Shafab 12 -> 9 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&9)
Altarian 1
Matter Cannon Shafab 12 -> 9 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&11)
Altarian 2
Matter Cannon Shafab 12 -> 9 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&11)

Fire Resolution

Fire from Ships

1 BL@ Shafab
9: (41: 10 to Aft Thruster, 10 to Aft Structure, 10 to Aft Thruster, 1 to Aft Thruster)
MC @ Shafab
15 (miss)

Altarian 1
1 MC @ Shafab
15 (miss)

Altarian 2
1 MC @ Shafab
4 (11 to Aft Thruster)

Critical hits

Aft Thruster: 12 (-)

Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 2011 1 5
Shafab 2011 1 6
Drofta 1 (2) 1501 6 9
Drofta 2 (3) 2111 1 6
Centurion 2021 5 6
Altarian 1 2221 2 5
Altarian 2 2221 2 5
Sentri (5) 2121 4 9

Turn 6:

Power Allocation:

Shafab and Talafat depower Stun guns.
Talafat EW -> 12, 1 extra thrust
Shafab 5 extra thrust.


Centurion 4
Talafat 6
Shafab 8
Altarian 1 13
Altarian 2 24
Drofta 1 28
Sentri 31
Drofta 2 35


Talafat: (Offensive ELINT) Shafab: 1
Drofta 2: 1
Centurion: 8
Altarian: 2

Shafab: Centurion: 2
Altarian 2: 2
DEW: 2

Centurion: Shafab: 9

Altarian 1 Shafab: 7

Altarian 2 Shafab: 7


start 2021-5
move 5 hexes
turn direction 6, reduce delay by 2 (6 thrust)
move 1 hex
turn direction 1, reduce delay by 1 (5 thrust)
finish 1423-1, delay of 2

Start: 2011-1, spd: 5
Turn to 6 (6)
Sideslip to 5 (1)
move forward 1
Sideslip to 5 (1)
move forward 1
Sideslip to 5 (1)
Finish: 1512-6

Start: 2011-1, spd: 6
Turn to 6 (4)
Move 4
Turn to 5 (4) reduce delay by 2 (2)
Move 2
Finish: 1410-5, no delay

Altarian 1
start 2221-2
Accel to 7 (6 thrust)
move 7 hexes
finish 2918-2

Altarian 2
start 2221-2
Accel to 7 (6 thrust)
move 7 hexes
finish 2918-2

Drofta 1
Start: 1501-6, speed 9
Turn to 5 (3)
Move 1
Turn to 4 (3)
Move 8
Finish 1409-4

start 2121-4
move 1 hex
turn direction 2 (6 thrust)
move 8 hexes
finish 2918-2

Drofta 2
Start: 2011-1, speed: 6
Turn to 5 (4)
Move 6
Turn to 4 (2)
Finish: 1414-4

Fire Allocation:

Shafab To Hit
2 Particle Cannons Centurion 19 -> 16 (2 TA shots against each)
Heavy Plasma Cannon #4 Centurion 15 -> 12 (2 TA shots)
Scatterguns (8: 2 shots, 9: 6 shots)Defensive fire
Drofta To Hit
Light SCatterguns Centurion 5 -> 4 (TA shot)
Battle Laser (piercing) Shafab 18
Matter Cannon Shafab 18 -> 15 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&9)
Altarian 1
Matter Cannon Shafab 15 -> 12 (intercepted by Scatterguns 8&9)
Altarian 2
Matter Cannon Shafab 15 -> 13 (intercepted by Scattergun 9)

Fire Resolution

Fire from Ships

1 BL@ Shafab
8: (37: 12 to Plasma Cannon #4, 13 to Hangar, 12 to Starboard Thruster)
MC @ Shafab
6 (6: Port Structure)

Altarian 1
1 MC @ Shafab
10 (11 Port Structure)

Altarian 2
1 MC @ Shafab
2 (18 to Scattergun #8)

Particle Cannon @ Centurion
13 (20: 10 Front Structure, 10 Reactor)
Particle Cannon @ Centurion
2 (24: 10 Retro Thruster, 10 Front Structure, 4 Front Structure)
Heavy Plasma @ Centurion
15 (miss)

Fighters vs. Ships

Drofta 2 @ Centurion
16 (miss)

Critical hits

Reactor: 22 (-8 power)

Aft Thruster: 6 (-)
Starboard Thruster: 26 (Outlet Failure, Efficiency Reduced)

Ship Hex hdg(brg) spd
Talafat 1512 6 5
Shafab 1410 5 6
Drofta 1 (2) 1409 4 9
Drofta 2 (3) 1414 4 6
Centurion 1423 1 6
Altarian 1 2918 2 7
Altarian 2 2918 2 7
Sentri (5) 2918 2 9

Turn 7:

Power Allocation:

Centurion shuts down Matter Cannons #3 and #4
Talafat depowers stun guns, EW: 12 and +1 thrust
Shafab depowers stun guns, +5 thrust


Shafab 14
Centurion 15
Altarian 1 18
Altarian 2 19
Drofta 1 19
Talafat 20
Sentri 22
Drofta 2 35


Talafat: (Offensive ELINT) Shafab: 1
Drofta 2: 1
Centurion: 10

Shafab: Centurion: 4
Altarian 1: 1
Altarian 2: 1

Centurion: Shafab: 6

Altarian 1 Shafab: 7

Altarian 2 Shafab: 7
Ballistic Launch
Plasma Wave at Centurion


Start: 1410-5, speed: 6
Decel to 4 (6)
Turn to 4 (2 aft, and 3 stbd (overthrust by 1))
Move ahead 4
Finish: 1414-4

Start 1423-1
sideslip direction 2 (2 thrust)
move 1 hex
sideslip direction 2 (2 thrust)
move 3 hexes
finish 1618-1

Altarian 1
start 2918-2
Decel to 6 (3 thrust)
turn direction 1 ( 4 thrust)
sideslip direction 6 (2 thrust)
move 5 hexes
finish 2812-1

Altarian 2
start 2918-2
Decel to 6 (3 thrust)
turn direction 1 ( 4 thrust)
sideslip direction 6 (2 thrust)
move 5 hexes
finish 2812-1

Drofta 1
Start: 1409-4, speed 9
Move ahead 8
Turn to 3 (1)
Move 1
Jink 6 levels
Finish: 1518-3

Start 1512-6, speed 5
Turn to 5 (5: aft 3, starboard 2)
Move 5
Turn to 4 (5: aft 3, starboard 2)
Finish 1014-4

turn direction 6 (6 thrust)
move 9 hexes
turn direction 5 (3 thrust)
finish 2013-5

Fire Allocation:

Shafab To Hit
Scattergun #9 (5 shots)1 shot Defensive fire
4 shots at Centurion

Talafat To Hit
Scattergun #7 (5 shots)5 shots at Centurion 13
Drofta 1 To Hit
Light SCatterguns Centurion 13
Drofta 2 To Hit
Light SCatterguns Centurion 15
CenturionCCEW: 4 vs. Drofta 2 To Hit
Battle Laser (piercing) Shafab 19
8 Twin Array shots Drofta 2 10
Altarian 1 To Hit
Matter Cannon Shafab 18
Altarian 2 To Hit
Matter Cannon Shafab 18
Sentri To Hit
Linked Particle Gun Shafab 10

Fire Resolution

Ballistic Weapons

Plasma Wave
Auto-hit (16, 8: TA#7 (destroyed), 8: Right Fwd Thruster)

Fire from Ships

1 BL@ Shafab
6: (42: 14 to Forward STructure (Nose blown off), 14 to Primary Structure, 14 to Aft Structure)
6 TA shots @ Drofta 2
14 (miss)
3 (8: Fighter #2)
11 (miss)
9 (5: Fighter #1)
3 (8: Fighter #1)
20 (miss)

Altarian 1
1 MC @ Shafab
20 (miss)

Altarian 2
1 MC @ Shafab
4 (12 to Port Structure)

4 Scatter gun shots @ Centurion
19 (miss)
10 (6: Engine)
6 (7: Front Structure)
9 (10: Primary Structure)

5 Scatter gun shots @ Centurion
4 (7: Port Thruster)
20 (miss)
4 (10: Port Thruster destroyed)
6 (10: Port Structure)
19 (miss)


Drofta 2
Fighter #1 (3 boxes left)
8: drops out
Fighter #2 (1 box left)
6: drops out

Fighters vs. Ships

Drofta 1, 5 shots @ Centurion
9: 4 shots hit
6 to Sensor
6 to Port Structure
8 to Battle Laser #2 (destroyed)
10 to Matter Cannon #4 (destroyed)

Drofta 2, 2 shots @ Centurion
16: 1 shot hit
7 to Port Structure

Sentri @ Shafab
2: All hit
4 & 4: Port Thruster
4 & 3: Port Structure
8 & 4: Port Structure
3 & 5: Port Thruster
6 & 6: Hangar

Critical hits

Retro Thruster: 21 (Efficiency reduced)

Port Thruster: 9 (-)

At this point of time it was clear Markab little chance of surviving, so battle was ended. Of course we should've played long enough to see whther the Markab would've made it to a jump point and survived the jump.