+++ +++ PELAAJA: "Warped Creme"

Kaupunkisiirtokunta (Sleep)
RAJOITUKSET: 1 HQ, 2-6 Troops, 1-3 Fast Attack
Yksikkö Määrä WS BS St To Wo In At Ld Save Hinta

XP: 40
1 5 2 5/10 4 3 4 4 9 2+/5(I)+ 104
Independent Character; Power Klaw; Shoota
Mega-Armour 2+ armour save. Always moves as if in difficult terrain. Cannot Infiltrate. [30]
Cybork Body 5+ Invulnerable save. [10]
Kustom Job: More Dakka Makes a Shoota or Slugga Assault 2 (Sluggas can still be used in close combat as a pistol). [4]

Slugga Boyz
XP: 80
23 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 252
Slugga & Choppa (x19); Burna (x2); Rokkit Launcha (x1)
Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3/4 7 4+ [28]
Choppa (x1); Slugga (x1)
'Eavy Armour 4+ Armour save. [8]

Shoota Boyz
XP: 80
17 4 2 3 4 1 2 2 7 6+ 187
Shoota (x14); Big Shoota (x1); Rokkit Launcha (x2)
Nob 1 4 2 4 4 2 3 3 7 6+ [33]
Slugga (x1); Big Shoota

XP: 80
10 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 131
Tank Hunters; Slugga & CC Weapon (x7); Rokkit Launcha (x3); Frag Stikkbomz; Tankbusta Bomz

Trukk Boyz
9 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 175
Only take a wound on a 6 (instead of a 4+) if their Trukk is destroyed with them in it; Slugga & Choppa (x8); Burna (x1)
Nob 1 4 2 4/8 4 2 3 3/4 7 6+ [45]
Power Klaw (x1); Slugga (x1)
Trukk 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [43]
Fast; Open-topped; Rokkit Launcha (x1)
Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
5 pt. Armour Plates If the vehicle is hit, roll a D6- on a 6 ignore the hit. No effect against Ordnance. [5]

Trukk Boyz
XP: 40
8 4 2 3 4 1 2 2/3* 7 6+ 151
Only take a wound on a 6 (instead of a 4+) if their Trukk is destroyed with them in it; Slugga & Choppa (x7); Burna (x1)
Nob 1 4 2 4/6 4 2 3 3 7 6+ [30]
'Uge Choppa
Trukk 1 BS: 2 Front: 10 Side: 10 Rear: 10 [43]
Fast; Open-topped; Rokkit Launcha (x1)
Red Paint Job 1" is added to the vehicles moves; i.e. it can move 25" and not shoot, 13", shoot & disembark, etc. [3]
5 pt. Armour Plates If the vehicle is hit, roll a D6- on a 6 ignore the hit. No effect against Ordnance. [5]